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The organisation

The board

The election of Nuup Bussii A/S’s board was on July 4th 2023 after a general meeting.

Chairwoman of the board: Christine Tønnesen

Occupation: Head of Center, Aqqut

Education: Cand. Merc. in Governing and Management

Christine has been head of center Aqqut since January 1st 2018. After her education Christine has been employed as head of department, head of HR, customer director and head of center. Christine has been a member of board of directors at Nuuk Harbour since the establishment of the company, and thus has been a part of elevating Greenlands first commercial harbour. She also has several positions of trust, among others member of the board of directory at the Greenlandic House in Ålborg, member of the board of appeal and member of the Alcohol and Narcotics council. 

Board member: Arnannguaq Gerstrøm

Occupation: Managing director at Usisaat Aps


  • Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Lunds Universitet, Sweden
  • Royal Northern College of Music, UK

Arnannguaq Gerstrøm (b. 1977) is managing director at Usisaat ApS. Arnannguaq has been a board member at Usisaat since 1999 and has worked at the company full time since 2014. Arnannguaq has a background as Souschef at Musikskolen, leader of Orkesterskolen in Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq and a professionel flautist and composer. Besides her music career Arnannguaq has studied at Copenhagen Business School. Arnannguaq has versatile board- and trust memberships, is foreman at the service and transport sector council at Greenland Business Association and is therefore part of the executive committee.

Board member: Christian Roslev

Occupation: City manager at Aalborg Kommune

Education: Cand.Scient.Pol from Aarhus University.

Christian Roslev is deputy chairman at Statens og Kommunernes Indkøb A/S, and board member at Musikkens Hus, Aalborg. Christian Roslev has several years of experience as managing director from Nordjyllands Trafikselskab and in a shorter period of time at Sydtrafik. He also has had several board memberships within public transportation in Denmark, and within the collaboration between the state and publicly owned coorporations.

Board member: Aviâja Lyberth Lennert

Occupation: Deputy CEO at Royal Arctic Line

Education: Diploma of Arts, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australien. 
with specialties in Australien Studies 
Bachelor of Science i Sociologi (BA. soc.),University of Copenhagen 
International Baccalaureate (IB), Red Cross Nordic United World College, Flekke i Norge. A two year grammar school level education with 200 pupils from 80 countries. 

Aviâja has been on several foreign residencies, among others in Australia, Norway and New Zealand. She has experience from voluntary work, from soup kitchens to sporting events and environmental groups. Aviâja has furthermore experience from board memberships in the board of directors of Kalaallit Airports, Sermitsiaq.AG, Greenland Holding and INI A/S. She has also been chairman of the board of directos the Equal Status Council of Greenland.

Employee representative: Samuel Reimer

Occupation: Bus driver at Nuup Bussii A/S

Education: Hospital orderly

Samuel has been employed at Nuup Bussii A/S since year 2013. Samuel started his career at Brugsen in Nuuk. He has since then build his career up by working at places such as Dronning Ingrids Hospital, institution for sentenced and at Ippiarsik, old peoples home. Samuel has been in the service business for more than 25 years now. Samuels ambition and wish is to contribute to the development of his workplace.


Managing director: Niels Chemnitz Frederiksen